
equipping you to be a disciple-maker

Cultivate a habit of listening to the Bible

Dwell is a new audio Bible app that keeps Scripture in your ears and on your heart.

We've made Dwell available to you at no cost. Get access now by clicking the button below.

Get access now by clicking the button below.

Grow in your knowledge of God through Bible Study videos

We have partnered with RightNow Media, an online video streaming service with over 10,000 videos. With RightNow Media, you get instant access to our custom video library that's perfect for personal development, family leadership, team-building, leadership training, and more.

Get access now by clicking the button below.

Learn from reading books in our library

Browse through a curated collection of book recommendations that our team has put together to help you grow in your faith journey.

View the library by clicking the button below.

Enagage your soul through worship music

Wake Worship has written songs to bring encouragement to your daily rhythms of life. Follow them on all music platforms today. 

Take a listen now by clicking the button below.

Subscribe to our Podcast and listen weekly

We have prepared a Podcast for you to listen to and learn from. Currently, we have episodes for men and women. We also utilize our “Beyond the Message” episodes to answer your questions from the weekend sermon.

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